This video covers the following content:

00:37 Introduction: Do we need God to explain morality? Or can evolution explain it?

01:49 What is morality? Defining terms

02:12 Objective morality

03:34 Subjective (or ‘relative’) morality

04:32 Is there evidence that objective morality even exists?

05:46 Do differences in conscience prove that morality is relative?

06:16 The fact that people disagree doesn’t mean there is no truth!

07:04 The Nazis were _objectively_ wrong!

08:06 Can evolution explain objective morality?

08:32 Aside: More evidence that objective morality exists

09:34 Continuing: Can evolution explain objective morality?

10:36 No, evolutionary explanations only produce _subjective_ morality!

12:25 Is morality just a social contract?

14:01 Is God really the best explanation for objective morality?

15:50 Atheist’s challenge: Where did God get _His_ moral standard from?

16:13 This is just a rehash of Euthyphro’s Dilemma (from Plato)

17:11 It’s a false dilemma

18:29 Answer: Moral goodness is rooted in the very character/nature of God

19:07 What about the presence of evil?

19:51 Moral evil depends on objective moral _goodness_ for it’s existence!

21:57 Even ‘natural evil’ points to the existence of a perfect standard of goodness!

24:16 Can atheists be good without God?

25:58 Conclusion: Why objective morality is best explained by God

27:12 The human problem with morality—and the solution

28:08 Example: Using the moral argument in real life


  1. this fails miserably. Christian morality is demonstrably subjective, with each inventing a list of morals they claim their god wants, and yet the poor dears can’t show that their god merely exists, much less agrees with them. 

    They also have the problem that they must insist that their god doesn’t have to follow these supposedly “objective” morals since they have to invent excuses why it is okay for this god to commit genocide, to kill people for the actions of others, etc. This makes their morality subjective to who someone is. it also shows their morality is little more than might equals right


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