Mike Johnson Speaker in the USA House of Representatives talks to Family Research Council president Tony Perkins about his family life. According to Perkins most people can’t help but admire the Louisiana leader for staying focused on what matters at home — even in their whirlwind new life with him as Speaker. Most of the time, people want to know how their kids have stayed so grounded. Johnson said the secret isn’t that they’re amazing parents. The secret is knowing Who to turn to.

Mike Johson and his wife Kelly.

When confronting the woke culture, Perkins pointed out, so much of that “goes back to the parents and preparing the foundation … so that our children can be out there making a difference.” Johnson emphatically agreed. “People ask Kelly and [me] all the time … ‘How have you done this? Your kids are all really well-adjusted and great people.’ Well, there’s no secret to it,” he insisted. “We’re not extraordinary parents,” Mike wanted people to know.

“We just follow the rule book — we follow the Bible — and we teach them that [it’s] real. It is actually an instruction manual for life. And when you develop in your children a true biblical worldview and where they understand how it applies and how reliable it is, and that’s the only reliable thing there is, then it takes hold in their heart.

Scripture lays it out pretty clearly, Johnson explained. “It reminds us that if you teach [children] that way, they will not walk away from it. And we’ve just focused on that, kept it simple, and made faith a real aspect of life woven into all seven days of the week — not just Sunday mornings. … And we’re blessed that they’re all walking with the Lord.”

He and Kelly think a lot about 3 John 1:4, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking with the Lord.” “And ours do, by God’s grace,” he said gratefully. “We pray that they continue to do that and I hope they will.”

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