This article is taken from the article “Peter Dutton’s nuclear policy gives renewables investors a shock” in The Australian Monday 24th June 2024.

If renewable energy was the cheapest electricity source and nuclear the most expensive, the green energy barons would have nothing to fear from a nuclear competitor. Yet the market reaction to Dutton’s intervention proved investors don’t buy the government’s spin. They know that in a competitive market, nuclear generation will eat renewables’ lunch, just as coal once did before wind and solar were showered with subsidies and the market rules were altered in renewables’ favour.

(AUSTRALIA OUT) An aerial of the Lucas Heights nuclear reactor site on 14 November 2005. SMH NEWS Picture by ROBERT PEARCE. (Photo by Fairfax Media via Getty Images/Fairfax Media via Getty Images via Getty Images)

However, the Clean Energy Investor Group is hardly a disinterested observer. It is the peak body for major renewable investors, including Macquarie, Blackrock, Neoen, and Tilt Energy. Together, they own 76 clean energy assets worth $38bn. The present value of those assets is now hostage to the electoral fortunes of Anthony Albanese (current Prime Minister), which is why cashed-up renewable energy investors are accumulating a war chest of hundreds of millions of dollars to keep Labor in power.

The influence of this powerful, crony-capitalist enterprise is one reason Dutton has only an outside chance of turning nuclear into an election-winning issue. However, polling on public support for nuclear has been trending Dutton’s way, and the evidence from around the world is stacked in his favour. Bearing in mind, Australia already has a Nuclear Reactor. The High Flux Reactor was Australia’s first nuclear reactor. It was built at the Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment at Lucas Heights, Sydney. The reactor was in operation between 1958 and 2007 without incident, when it was superseded by the Open-pool Australian lightwater reactor, also at Lucas Heights and it is still in operation today.

However, the history of bad ideas shows them to be most potent when entrepreneurs discover ways of making a buck out of them. The influence of the cashed-up renewable energy sector in global politics and cultural institutions has made the net-zero narrative all but impossible to dislodge.

Protecting the present value of trillions of dollars of global capital rests on maintaining the fiction that wind and solar power, backed up by numberless batteries yet to be built and pumped hydro yet to be installed, is the key to rescuing the planet. Trillions of dollars of capital have been misallocated to this purpose thanks to perverse incentives provided by politicians whose most pressing concern is not to save the planet but to survive the next election.

Australia is not the only country caught up in the exuberance of the 2019 Paris climate conference and promised more than it could possibly achieve. It is hard to find a single Western economy remotely on track to meet 2030 commitments, let alone the big one in 2050. I will shortly put up a post entitled “Germany Failed to Achieve Clean Energy Transition Without Nuclear”

In a report published last month by the Fraser Institute, Czech-Canadian scientist Vaclav Smil outlined the task ahead. More than 4 terawatts of electricity-generating capacity must be replaced, and almost 1.5 billion gasoline and diesel vehicle engines must be converted to electricity. Almost all the world’s agricultural and crop-processing machinery must be replaced, including 50 million tractors and more than 100 million irrigation pumps. New heat sources must be developed to smelt iron, manufacture cement and glass, process chemicals and preserve food. More than half a billion domestic, industrial, and institutional gas furnaces must be abandoned. Novel forms of motive power must be found for 120,000 merchant vessels, and we’ll need to develop a carbon-free way of keeping 25,000 jetliners in the air. Not to mention, the AI revolution is gobbling up power. AI, the Cloud, and decentralized currencies like Bitcoin require enormous energy at a time when the world is trying to transition to solar and wind which are totally unpredictable power sources.

For Vaclav Smil, the most disturbing thing about the net-zero fallacy is what it tells us about the economic, numerical, and scientific illiteracy of a generation that is, on paper, the most educated in history. As Smil told American author Robert Bryce in an email exchange, we live in a fully post-factual world.

The net-zero fallacy has taken root “because the soil is receptive: utterly brainless mass of mobile-bound individuals devoid of any historical perspective and any kindergarten commonsense understanding”.

The cartoonish reaction to Dutton’s nuclear announcement last week was evidence of Vaclav Smil’s point. If there is a solid argument against legalising nuclear power in Australia, Chris Bowen failed to produce it. Bearing in mind we have had a nuclear power plant operating safely in Sydney for decades. Until he does, Dutton can safely regard the debate as won.

Yet politicians are not rewarded for winning fact-based arguments. They are rewarded by winning elections. As Thomas Sowell points out, one of the differences between economics and politics is that politicians are not forced to pay attention to long-term consequences.

“An elected official whose policies keep the public happy up through election day stands a good chance of being voted another term in office, even if those policies will have ruinous consequences in later years,” Sowell wrote in Basic Economics.

Yet the test of Dutton’s policy is whether it will increase competition in the market, offering a credible alternative to the untrodden renewable-only path on which we are embarked.

The squeals from the renewable energy establishment last week suggest he is on the right track.

Nick Cater is a senior fellow at the Menzies Research Centre, a visiting fellow at the Danube Institute, and a columnist with The Australian. He is a former editor of The Weekend Australian and a former deputy editor of The Sunday Telegraph. He is the author of The Lucky Culture published by Harper Collins.

We are living in the Biblical prophesied end-times world: God and His laws have been jettisoned, many churches have compromised with the world on homosexuality, gay marriage, and even transgenderism. Government debt is not sustainable so people’s confidence in politicians is at an all-time low, anarchy is next as energy supplies fail. Other, prophesied end times signs such as earthquakes, pestilences, and famine are already evident. The fact that the major Biblical end-times prophecy was already fulfilled over 70 years ago: the re-establishment of Israel as a nation, should give every Christian confidence that Jesus’ prophesied return to Earth is near.


AI Could Soon Need as Much Electricity as An Entire Country

This graph reveals that for decades the power demands for A.I. closely followed Moore’s Law, doubling roughly every 20 months. However, Moore’s Law was shattered in 2010. And the processing power required to train AI went from doubling every 20 months to doubling every six months. To put this in perspective for you: that’s a 16 trillion percent increase over the last 13 years alone… This growth shows no sign of slowing down. In fact, Epoch AI, a research institute warns: The amount of [computing power] developers use to train their systems will continue increasing at its current accelerated rate. That means in one year, the amount of computing power required to train AI systems will increase by 300%… In 3 years, by 6,300%… In 5 years, by a staggering 102,300%.

Operating and developing new artificial intelligence systems requires unparalleled energy demands… energy demands we cannot currently meet. Consider this: ChatGPT already receives an average of 10 million queries per day. That’s roughly 300 million queries per month. Research from the University of Washington shows it costs around one gigawatt-hour of energy to answer these queries. One gigawatt-hour is roughly the same energy consumed by 33,000 households! And that’s for only one AI program.

The problems are FAR worse at scale. The University of Massachusetts Amherst found that “training a single AI model can emit as much carbon as five cars in their lifetimes.” That’s not operating, just development. And that’s for just ONE of the thousands upon thousands of AI models that are being trained every single day. That’s why, The New York Times reported, by 2027 AI servers are predicted to consume as much as 134 terawatt hours annually. In less than three years, AI will have the same annual energy consumption as countries like Argentina, the Netherlands, and Sweden.

If you really want to make the biggest, most capable super intelligent system you can, you need high amounts of energy.” SAM ALTMANCEO, OPEN AI

The world is actually headed for a really bad energy crisis because of AI unless we fix a few things.” ARIJIT SENGUPTA, FOUNDER, AIBLE

Elon Musk predicts that by 2045 the power demand in the U.S will have tripled from current levels – largely driven by AI’s needs.

Those in the know, understand that unless the insatiable energy demands of artificial intelligence are met, the industry will never go mainstream.

Fossil fuels are the primary energy source used to train and operate AI systems and could continue to meet the growing energy demands…

But that would require the woke Silicon Valley tech companies and progressive politicians to turn their backs on the religion of Climate Change. And with the activists already up in arms about the environmental impact of artificial intelligence, this is untenable to the ruling class. So they’ll argue that renewables like wind and solar should be used to meet the energy demands of AI…

But the reality is that there is ZERO chance of these renewables producing enough low-cost energy to meet AI’s needs. As The Manhattan Institute reported: “Thinking that wind and solar can ever replace fossil fuels is nothing but an “exercise in magical thinking.” Of course, those who have decided that fossil fuels are quite literally the end of humanity don’t care for these facts.

The Ivy League elites continue to lecture us that wind and solar are the ONLY way forward. But let’s look at the data: Recent research has shown that after two decades of intense support for increased clean energy… The proportion of energy provided by these “clean sources” went from a paltry 13-14% to… get this… 15.7%. That’s after global investment and spending on these clean energy solutions hit an estimated $1.4 trillion in 2022. Tell me, after more than twenty years of failure, do you think these green “solutions” will suddenly be able to meet the exponential energy needs of AI. Of course not. Just consider the projected energy consumption of artificial intelligence we discussed earlier, 134 terawatt hours annually. To generate this amount of energy from wind power alone would require almost 17,000 wind turbines. That would take up roughly 2,284 square kilometers, about 1.5-times the size of London – a city of 8.9 million people.

And that’s assuming all this energy went to AI. This is why it’s obvious to me that renewables like wind, solar, and hydro will NEVER meet the energy demands of AI. And this has created a unique situation… The economic, social, and geopolitical incentives behind AI are far too powerful to be stopped.

Even the Biden administration is not incompetent enough to halt the progress on AI development and cede power to our rivals like China and Russia. However, for artificial intelligence development to continue and reach its full potential vast amounts of energy will be required. And there’s only one solution

The U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, a radical who makes inane music videos about ending fossil fuels… …has come to admit that… the future of nuclear energy is here and should be protected. JENNIFER GRANHOLM, U.S. SECRETARY OF ENERGY

Hence the U.S. government is adopting nuclear power and recently passed the ADVANCE Act (the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy)

Its stated mission is to: “Boost development and deployment of new nuclear technologies, incentivize expansion in America, […] and help position the U.S. as the world’s leader in nuclear energy.”

Miraculously, this is one of the only bills this year that made it through the Senate with bipartisan support… which highlights the importance of nuclear energy, not just for the future of AI, but for the country. In fact, the US Department of Energy recently went so far as to say: Nuclear power is intrinsically tied to national security.”

While it’s refreshing to finally see D.C. pass legislation that is grounded in reality and that will benefit the country, there’s a problem. After decades of negative attention and pressure from the mainstream media, the U.S. has been closing nuclear power plants.

In 1998, the number of operating reactors declined to 104 and remained there through 2013… When the number then declined even further to 92 in 2022. On top of that, nuclear power has only provided 20% of total annual U.S. electricity generation from 1990 through 2021- that’s 31 years of stagnation. In fact, Plant Vogtle in Waynesboro, Georgia, will be America’s first new nuclear plant since the 1990’s.

The only catch? It took 15 years to build… and it cost more than $30 billion. This is a massive milestone for Waynesboro and the country. The plant is projected to power 500,000 homes and businesses for the next 60 to 80 years… but Plant Vogtle’s story exposes a brutal truth: Building nuclear power plants is expensive, time-consuming, and complicated.

This means that traditional nuclear power plants will be unable to meet the exponentially growing energy demands of the AI sector. It could take decades for the U.S. to build out the necessary infrastructure.

However, thanks to a single decision on February 21 last year… a new type of nuclear energy will be able to provide practically endless clean energy all across the country. A new technology was recently approved by the U.S. government… and it’s THIS technology that will act as the Keystone for the AI industry. It enables AI companies to use nuclear energy – easily, quickly, and without spending years and billions of dollars to develop power plants. It’s a revolutionary new technology that allows us to build hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of nuclear facilities all across the country. At 1/50th the cost and in 1/5th the amount of time. To say this is a historical development would be an understatement. It is a generational achievement that, according to former Presidential advisor David Durham is A game-changing technology. DAVID DURHAMFMR. PRESIDENTIAL ADVISOR

It’s something that former White House Deputy, Matt Bennett, believes will… Save the world. MATT BENNETT FMR. WHITE HOUSE DEPUTY

So what is this technology that I believe will be the Keystone of the artificial intelligence industry for decades to come. It’s a nuclear power plant named after a Nobel-prize winning scientist named Enrico Fermi. Fermi was one of the greatest geniuses of the last 100 years and is considered the father of nuclear energy. it was the world’s first small modular nuclear reactor (SMR). As the name implies, an SMR is a nuclear reactor that produces nuclear energy but is MUCH smaller than a typical reactor. It has all the advantages of a nuclear reactor, with almost none of the disadvantages.

  • It can produce electricity without overheating.
  • It can self-regulate.
  • It can be paired with renewable resources.
  • It can be built in two years (as opposed to ten).
  • It can be deployed on top of shuttered coal plants, of which we have 300 in America right now… This is what Bill Gates’ nuclear company – TerraPower – has done. They’ve staked their claim at the site of a retired coal plant.
  • An SMR can produce energy for 10 years without being refueled, whereas a typical reactor has to be refueled every 18 to 24 months

This is why, as our energy needs continue to surge, SMRs are gaining the attention of governments all around the world. They know green energy can’t meet the demands so hundreds of billions of dollars are pouring into the development of SMRs. Right now, 80 different SMR designs are being developed in 19 different countries. Three have already begun operating. Others will soon follow. And when they do, the world will never be the same again.

For the first time ever, we will be able to provide nuclear energy to ANYONE, ANYWHERE, AT ANYTIME. And we’ll be able to do it WITHOUT having to spend billions of dollars on reactors that take a decade to build. And this is why Small Nuclear Reactors (SMRs) are the Keystone technology to the AI industry. It’s the ONLY way tech companies can meet the energy demands of artificial intelligence without fossil fuels.

In five… ten… even fifteen years from now… When we’re looking back on the craze of the AI boom, the top investments won’t be the company with the best artificial intelligence. The real winners will be those who master the SMR. Consider Sam Altman’s SMR startup, Oklo. He plans to take it public this year for upwards of $500 million dollars. Why? In his own words: “If the use of artificial intelligence scales up, it will demand a lot of energy… I don’t see a way for us to get there without nuclear.” SAM ALTMAN CEO, OPEN AI

He not only serves as the chairman of Oklo, the startup working to commercialize nuclear fission with microreactors… But he’s also invested $375 million in Helion – that’s right; another nuclear company – marking the “biggest investment [he’s] ever made” Helion is a nuclear energy startup working on systems that are “smaller, a lot faster to iterate, and then gets […] to commercially useful electricity […] as soon as possible.” Sam Altman – is ALL-IN on nuclear microreactors.

In addition to Oklo, a number of other companies are working on “new breeds” of advanced microreactors… Including GE Hitachi, Holtec, Kairos Power, NuScale Power, TerraPower, and X-energy. However, despite the potential of these companies, I don’t recommend you go near them. You see, there is one major roadblock each of them faces. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). In November 2022, the NRC denied “without prejudice” Oklo’s application to build and operate the company’s Aurora microreactor in Idaho. The reason? “Failure to provide information on several key topics.” Vague, confusing, and totally unhelpful – classic bureaucrats!

The company that is building small nuclear reactors is BWXT and it’s got the backing of the US government. BWXT will build the first advanced full-scale transportable nuclear microreactor in the USA under a contract awarded by the US Dept. of Defence (DoD) Strategic Capabilities Office. To be completed and delivered in 2024 for testing at the Idaho National Laboratory.

Poland’s first two nuclear stations will be BWRX-300 small modular reactors. By the end of the year, 20 locations will be presented to local communities, with the first SMR reactor set to be built between 2028 and 2029.

BWX Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: BWXT) today announced a two-phase, two-year contract with the Wyoming Energy Authority to assess the viability of deploying small-scale nuclear reactors in the state as a source of resilient and reliable energy to augment existing power generation resources. 03/21/2023

Man taking God’s place in controlling His universe will soon end. In Australia, the present government has ruled out the use of nuclear energy and is charging ahead with wind and solar. What madness. We need Holy Spirit-led people in power who can make Godly decisions. Fortunately, Biblical prophecy tells us that Satan and man’s control of Earth is coming to an end.

What energy sources will Jesus use during His Millennial reign to power the world? Will nuclear fusion be perfected for energy use? God uses nuclear fusion for the sun to provide the heat needed to sustain life on Earth so I think it is a natural alternative energy source..