I am encouraged by the reports I receive from Pastor Charles Owino Otieno about the growth of the House Church Movement in the rural areas of north Kenya (near Lake Victoria). I hope I can encourage one or two of my followers to connect with Charles directly and offer support to the KHC movement.

Charles Otieno Owino: Isbana Rd Migori Kenya,, mobile (254)741196559

Report from Charles on Migori Mission Trip:

We arrived safely on March 5th at Migori Primary School, the venue for most of this mission work. We were welcomed by the leaders of Migori house church, a branch of the Kenya house church movement. A prayer and fellowship meeting was conducted in one of the classrooms within the school compound. It was well attended which was encouraging.

The following day, our evangelism team conducted house-to-house, and shop-to-shop visitations ministering the gospel message and praying with people. Also, a small group met with people in one of the school classrooms.

Pastor Jacob is baptizing a new believer, Mr Julius Onyango. He admitted to being a thief. He repented and surrendered his life to Jesus at one of the Tent Meetings. He is one of the many people who were baptized on this Mission Trip. One of the most notable was a young lady (Miss Aphline). She has been working in a local bar but also as a prostitute. She confessed to

having destroyed the lives of many young men as she had HIV. Some of these young men had died. She heard the gospel message of repentance and salvation being preached, she confessed her sins, believed, and was baptized.

Believers are in prayers after hearing the gospel message about Judgement and the wrath of God against the unbelieving world. It was an end-times message that convicted most of the people present. Even in Kenya people are sensing that Jesus’ return is approaching. Most are amazed that the church in the West is compromising with world values such as accepting gay marriage and homosexuality. Surely they say God cannot accept a church that denies His Word.

Pastor Charles is praying for this young man. He was just one of the many young people who asked for prayer and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. he was later baptized.

We had many home meetings. In the home of Mr. and Mrs Domnicus Odongo, our evangelism team ministered to the household, his wife was a drunkard and also had been suffering from backache and respiratory infection. She believed and was healed, she testified about the wonderful miracle of God and his love for her, and she was later baptized.

We request your prayers. And also due to limited funds, we are unable to reach many people living in remote places with the gospel message. So we humbly request willing people to help fund the Kenya House Movement to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
You may know that Ron Edward has been unable to continue his support as a result of his age and pension, so we request anyone willing to help support our ministry to come forward and help take the KHC movement to the next level. Any little donation will help reach and win lost souls for Christ.

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