Jesus’ top END-TIME command to WATCH is being ignored, and according to Jesus, it will lead to the Great Apostasy. Pastors are afraid to teach what it really means, so vast numbers of our churches are clueless. Many have already compromised with the world and are already apostate churches: gay marriage, homosexual pastors, and transgenderism.

How many churches are preaching the need to watch for Jesus’ return and to watch for the right things. How many times did Jesus say we need to watch and how do we watch? At least following Jesus’ command to be a good disciple is a good start but it is not what Jesus is saying, here. Watching for the signs Jesus has given us is so that, we know what is coming and can act accordingly. God has given us much information on the time before He returns, particularly on the Antichrist so He wants us to watch for the events so we will be prepared and can warn others.

There were 300-plus prophecies of Jesus first coming and the religious leaders of the day, the Pharisees and Sadducees totally missed it. There are 2000 prophecies of Jesus’ second coming and the religious leaders of our day are totally missing it.

Watch this Nelson Walters video to find out what the command is, and how to obey it.

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