The surface features of limestone deposits have several puzzling aspects that have stymied uniformitarian (‘slow and gradual’) geologists for well over a century. Especially puzzling are tower karst and tall sharp pinnacles. Eminent uniformitarian geomorphologists Baker and Twidale stated:

Domical forms in limestone, sandstone, and granite are converted to steep-sided towers. Such steepening through time is contrary to the expectable consequences of any of the conventional models of landscape evolution. 

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Tower karst consists of isolated, steep-sided limestone hills surrounded by a generally flat surface. There are a number of types of tower karst ranging from tall vertical-sided towers to cones and hemispheres. Tower karst commonly protrudes above a flat or nearly flat planation surface produced by erosion, and capped by gravel. Some towers are isolated while others are in groups rising from a common base.

Tower karst is said to be many millions of years old. Based on fossils, the top of the tower karst in southwest China has been assigned an age of 75 million years. But such old dates defy present erosion rates that show the towers could not last more than tens of thousands of years. They also demonstrate that the dating methods that give such old ages are unreliable. Distinguished Chinese hydrogeologist Yuan Daoxian stated it is inconceivable how they could have survived.

According to Michael Oard, karst pinnacles provide strong evidence that they formed underwater from tower karst while the waters of Noah’s Flood were still covering the area. However, it would have occurred in locations where the velocity of the floodwater was relatively low.

Article TOWER KARST AND SHARP PINNACLES – Fascinating Flood-formed Limestone Structures by Michael Oard in Creation magazine Vol 46 issue 3

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